My English teacher, Mrs. Jackson, would not approve of my vague title. She would tell me to be more specific. But "Things" is just about how specific I want to get at the moment.
Because my lovely friend Nicole wanted me to, I will mention her in this post. Because "ID BETTER BE AFTER ALL THAT HAPPENDED(;" were her exact words. So here's to you, Nicole. You are so beautiful, and wonderful, and I love you so much! And you boost my self esteem into planetary distances. Perhaps even galaxy-wide distances.
So school is... stressful. And awesome. And stressful. And drama-filled. And slow. And fast. And... stressful. High School, am I right?
None of previous said things about school were even real sentences. Maybe I should work on that. You know, proper sentence sTruCTuRe. Ha, even that wasn't grammatically correct. Perhaps paying more attention in English would do me some good, rather than writing goofy things on my "study" paper.
But I really don't care at the moment. I am past caring. Today, I took a bible test (with a secular focus, to help with spotting allusions to the bible in literature) and I'm pretty sure I didn't do very well. Usually, that would freak me out, but this time it didn't. I retained barely any of the information I read, and some of the questions on the test truly had me stumped. But I didn't care. I know, I know, I'm probably going to hell for this.
Halloween is almost upon us! What are you dressing uP as? You'd better be dressing up, because what other point to Halloween is there? That's how you get candy, for God's sake! I had a dream a couple nights ago, where I was going to go as "Flo, the Progressive Girl" from the commercials, but my mom said it was too expensive. So in the dream, I was like, "Oh, no worries. I'll just wear my dragon/dinosaur costume!" And I tried it on, and it was smashing! But then I woke up to realize I don't actually have a dragon/dino costume. Kind of depressing, I know.
Science Humor: Two men walk into a bar, and the first says "I'll order some H2O." The other man says, "I'll have some H2O too!" The second man died.
Get it? 'Cause H2O2 is peroxide! Poisonous! But he was just trying to say that he would like some water as well! Anyone? Just me? All right.
Did you know that "alright" is never actually correct? It's not even a word, it's always "all right."
Speaking of grammar, I saw this hilarious picture the other day of a status:
"There, their, and they're. Get it right your in college."
Its funny because the dude used the wrong "your!" It should have been "you're" to show that it was a conjunction between "you" and "are!"
Oh man. It's no wonder I have no real friends...
Just kidding! I do have friends. At least my mom says so... But no, really. They are wonderful people who help me with all of my problems. They help me through all of the hard times.
My Grandpa Chuck died on Tuesday. I had gone and saw him just a day earlier. He is passed now, in a better place in better health.
I will miss him so much, as will the rest of my family.
This means that there will be a funeral. It will be held in Provo, Utah, a city I have definitely praised before. Despite the dark cloud hanging over the visit, I think I will enjoy myself. It will give me a chance to see my amazing cousins and catch up with them, and I can visit with the friends I made on my last visit. But I still feel incredibly guilty for being happy.
So yeah, I'm sad right now. But I am also happy. Which adds guilt. Of course.
But besides that, I am doing fairly well. Did anyone see the new post on Hyperbole and a Half? I did! She hasn't posted in roughly five months and now, finally, Allie's much anticipated return to the internet world!
So that's my life right now.
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