You guys know that kid's show that used to be on PBS Kids? The one with the asian cat family who were also royal or something like that?
I have literally been trying to figure out the name of that show for several years now.
For the life of me, I haven't been able to remember.
Today, it occurred to me while I was uselessly trolling the internet, that I could use that wonderful tool to find out the name of the show.
I finally figured it out.
So, after many long hours dedicated to racking my brains for the name of that show (the best that I could come up with was "Sasha." Even though I knew that that was total crap), I have finally discovered it.
It's called SAGWA!
The inner-workings of an angsty, hormone-driven teenage girl's mind. Get ready.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
It has come to my attention that I may be slightly aWkwArd.
The other day I was skype-chatting with a few of my friends in a giant group chat. The conversation quickly turned towards music. Namely the really cool old school stuff that I know next to nothing about.

Naturally, I felt a bit out of place.
Here were all (and by all I mean two) these people who know a lot of music and are naming four bands per second and I am sitting here watching it happen while not really knowing what in the heck we (they) are talking about. It was extremely... awkward.
So, after someone else said, "OH YEAH. I GREW UP WITH THEM," I decided to say, "I grew up with theme songs. Mostly Pokemon," before the other person could be all, "Blah blah I listen to cool music blah blah blah LED ZEPPELIN!"
Try to imagine, you are having a nice, deep conversation about music with a friend and all of a sudden this bumbling idiot comes out of nowhere to say something weird. What would you say?
They said nothing.
Just kept right on talking, and I felt pretty inadequate. I was simply ignored.
I really have many more examples of my crippling awkwardness, such as the time when my cousin was skyping her best friend who lives in Utah.
I was sitting there, minding my own business, when BAM! I noticed that I was on camera and there was another voice in my room, one that did not belong there. Oh! It was just her. Cool! Hi! But then, as she and my cousin's skype chat went on, I became aware of the fact that I was visible in the video camera.
So there I was, lurking in the background, now listening to their conversation. I couldn't have turned my attention somewhere else if I was offered a million dollars to do so. I was completely focused on the fact that I was now creeping in on their conversation.
I wanted to make the situation a bit more bearable for me.
But of course I just make things worse.
If only I could go back in time, and just kept my mouth shut, then we could've avoided my inner catastrophe. But no. No, I have to make weird small talk. To which, they were both very polite, but I could tell they wanted to be left alone.

I started to talk a bit more, interrupting their every sentence. Eventually I took to going downstairs for little bits at a time, to find something to eat or occupy myself with. Alas, I could never find anything satisfying, so I had to head on back upstairs. To the skype call.
I spent the rest of the talk awkwardly interjecting at inappropriate times, and eventually, my cousin's friend (also my friend.. I hope. If she doesn't hate me after this) called me out on it.
I felt as if I needed to do a little walk of shame, but decided that that would be weird and unnecessary. So instead I opted for the awkward "head hang."
It was the opposite of successful. Like most of my endeavors.
I don't really have an appropriate ending for this post.
The other day I was skype-chatting with a few of my friends in a giant group chat. The conversation quickly turned towards music. Namely the really cool old school stuff that I know next to nothing about.
Naturally, I felt a bit out of place.
Here were all (and by all I mean two) these people who know a lot of music and are naming four bands per second and I am sitting here watching it happen while not really knowing what in the heck we (they) are talking about. It was extremely... awkward.
So, after someone else said, "OH YEAH. I GREW UP WITH THEM," I decided to say, "I grew up with theme songs. Mostly Pokemon," before the other person could be all, "Blah blah I listen to cool music blah blah blah LED ZEPPELIN!"
Try to imagine, you are having a nice, deep conversation about music with a friend and all of a sudden this bumbling idiot comes out of nowhere to say something weird. What would you say?
They said nothing.
Just kept right on talking, and I felt pretty inadequate. I was simply ignored.
I really have many more examples of my crippling awkwardness, such as the time when my cousin was skyping her best friend who lives in Utah.
I was sitting there, minding my own business, when BAM! I noticed that I was on camera and there was another voice in my room, one that did not belong there. Oh! It was just her. Cool! Hi! But then, as she and my cousin's skype chat went on, I became aware of the fact that I was visible in the video camera.
So there I was, lurking in the background, now listening to their conversation. I couldn't have turned my attention somewhere else if I was offered a million dollars to do so. I was completely focused on the fact that I was now creeping in on their conversation.
I wanted to make the situation a bit more bearable for me.
But of course I just make things worse.
If only I could go back in time, and just kept my mouth shut, then we could've avoided my inner catastrophe. But no. No, I have to make weird small talk. To which, they were both very polite, but I could tell they wanted to be left alone.
I started to talk a bit more, interrupting their every sentence. Eventually I took to going downstairs for little bits at a time, to find something to eat or occupy myself with. Alas, I could never find anything satisfying, so I had to head on back upstairs. To the skype call.
I spent the rest of the talk awkwardly interjecting at inappropriate times, and eventually, my cousin's friend (also my friend.. I hope. If she doesn't hate me after this) called me out on it.
I felt as if I needed to do a little walk of shame, but decided that that would be weird and unnecessary. So instead I opted for the awkward "head hang."
It was the opposite of successful. Like most of my endeavors.
I don't really have an appropriate ending for this post.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Dumb Boys Are Dumb

Yeah, yeah, this post was comin' around eventually. I thought that I might as well get it over with, andI don't want to hear you complaining.
Sometimes I really don't like boys. The super cliche, "Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" is a cliche for a reason. Because they drive me insane for many reasons. One of which is that they all seem to have a common sense rating of -5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
For example, my friend has had a weird "thing" with this guy. Now, she has been up front and honest and open about her feelings, but he can't seem to make up his mind. One minute he really likes her but doesn't show it, another he doesn't like her but flirts with her like it's some kind of contest, and the next he barely looks at her.
This is what we call, A Boy Being Dumb.
These two friends of mine are very close with each other, which makes things infinitely more complicated. Of course. Like everything in life.
My friend is a really amazing girl. She is absolutely beautiful and she has many guys simply panting after her, though she may not realize it. She is funny, charismatic, goofy, kind, loving, and isn't afraid to be her (wonderful) self. She is even better than food.
The boy sees this.
And yet he does not act, even though he knows she likes him.
Um, WHAT!? Is he really blind? She is this amazing person standing in front of him with her arms w i d e o p e n and yet he runs. Why? Because he is dumb.
He is really only thinking of himself in this situation. My guess is he just thinks that she will always be this possibility, but he doesn't realize that she is not one for waiting. He's lucky she's liked him this long.
This is just one example of how stupid boys are. They can be knowledgeable about a million other things, but when it comes to girls, most of them are dumb and don't have a clue what they're doing. Even the players. They don't really know how the female's mind works. Not even all females themselves know what they're thinking half the time!
You should probably know that this will most certainly not be the last post of this sort. I am a teenage girl just starting high school. Boys are really all I think about. Even though they're dumb.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
I thought you might like to know a little bit about me. So here goes, but I warn you, I am very good at talking about myself. This might not even have an end.
I was born in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California. I have three siblings, and my parents are now happily divorced. (They got married on April Fool's Day. I kid you not.)
I hate when people use acronyms, and an excessive amount of exclamation points or question marks. Its very rare that a sentence really needs this many exclamation points!!!! Am I right??? and people who dont capitalize properly and dont use apostrophes also make me angry. I am basically your average grammar nazi. It's not like its really that much harder to type like an educated person. You can make people think that you are actually smart! You sly dog, you.
I watch many many nerdy things and yes, I do play video games. Pokemon was my childhood, the movies and the cards. Playing all Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games is one of the many joys in my life. My favorite books include ALL Harry Potter books, Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice, and To Kill a Mockingbird.
My favorite class in High School is my Museum Management course at the Wildlife museum that is run by teenage docents from my school. This is the only program like this of this large a scale in the country, so basically it rocks. You should totally check it out. And then come visit. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to get a tour from yours truly.
I really, really, really love Europe.
I really, really, really love Provo, Utah. Believe it.
Sometimes I get sick. But then I stop being sick and start being awesome. (You get extra points if you get that reference.)
I am an amateur singer in an amateur band with two of the coolest guys you will ever meet. The other one is.. you know, okay. I can deal.
Ice cream and goldfish or cheez-its is the best tasting thing this world has ever seen.
You know that little song, "I'm a little acorn brown, lying on the cold cold ground. Everybody steps on me, that is why I'm cracked you see. I'm a nut. I'm a nut. I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut." Yeah, well I'm a little bit insane, and that song was stuck in my head when I was creating this blog, so that's how the name came into existence. I know, deep stuff.
I was born in the beautiful city of San Francisco, California. I have three siblings, and my parents are now happily divorced. (They got married on April Fool's Day. I kid you not.)
I hate when people use acronyms, and an excessive amount of exclamation points or question marks. Its very rare that a sentence really needs this many exclamation points!!!! Am I right??? and people who dont capitalize properly and dont use apostrophes also make me angry. I am basically your average grammar nazi. It's not like its really that much harder to type like an educated person. You can make people think that you are actually smart! You sly dog, you.
I watch many many nerdy things and yes, I do play video games. Pokemon was my childhood, the movies and the cards. Playing all Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games is one of the many joys in my life. My favorite books include ALL Harry Potter books, Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Pride and Prejudice, and To Kill a Mockingbird.
My favorite class in High School is my Museum Management course at the Wildlife museum that is run by teenage docents from my school. This is the only program like this of this large a scale in the country, so basically it rocks. You should totally check it out. And then come visit. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to get a tour from yours truly.
I really, really, really love Europe.
I really, really, really love Provo, Utah. Believe it.
Sometimes I get sick. But then I stop being sick and start being awesome. (You get extra points if you get that reference.)
I am an amateur singer in an amateur band with two of the coolest guys you will ever meet. The other one is.. you know, okay. I can deal.
Ice cream and goldfish or cheez-its is the best tasting thing this world has ever seen.
You know that little song, "I'm a little acorn brown, lying on the cold cold ground. Everybody steps on me, that is why I'm cracked you see. I'm a nut. I'm a nut. I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut." Yeah, well I'm a little bit insane, and that song was stuck in my head when I was creating this blog, so that's how the name came into existence. I know, deep stuff.
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